Small group sizes

Singular’s groups of only 4-5 students (depending on the student’s age) ensures we provide a welcoming and supportive learning space. The small group size also allows us to maximise student-talk-time and offer each student personalized support.

Skilled and experienced teachers

We believe that qualified staff is a synonym for quality education. Due to this, we work with experienced, skilled, and specialized teachers who are either native speakers of English or 100% bilingual.

Complimentary conversation classes

These classes demonstrate Singular’s compromise with English language learning. Not only can students interact with different teachers, but it also allows them to be exposed to their different accents.

adults by group
kids and teens by group
qualified teachers
years of experience per teacher (average)
hours of complimentary activities per month

Student feedback

Our collaborations

Singular and the BCA have jointly set up the BCA Summer Camp together, an English camp staffed with professionals from both companies. Singular also helps future BCA students reach the required level of English.

Singular collaborates with the “Fundació Privada Tutelar” by providing classes to the Foundation’s members at no charge.